Fraud and Laundering

Fraud can sometimes be extremely difficult to prevent and catch at the corporate level. Dishonest and illegal activities undertaken by one employee can have serious detrimental consequences to the company as a whole. The derivations of effective policies and control systems have the ability to limit the extent to which fraud can take place. Become a fraud specialist through any of the courses below.

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138 courses from 138 providers in UAE

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Popular Questions

I am currently working as Sr. Relationship officer - Liabilities with a reputed bank in UAE. I am highly interested in AML, KYC and CDD from beginning but never got a chance, i want to move my career
(Question asked by Mohammed on October 10, 2016)

I would recommend A Cost-Effective Solution to Obtaining Essential KYC CDD Training The knowledge gained from this AML training will help you improve customer due diligence by learning how to better assess what you need to know, explore where to find the answers, organize your customer information in a meaningful way, and present your findings and Customer Due Diligence requirements clearly to all stakeholders. This is an ideal course for compliance professionals early in their careers and a great refresher course for more experienced staff.

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