تفاصيل الدورة

نظرة شاملة على الدورة التدريبية:
وفقًا لتعليمات وزارة التعليم العالي وبهدف مساعدة الدارسين على تحسين مهارتهم في اللغة الإنجليزية، يقدم معهد الإمارات للدراسات المصرفية والمالية دورات الإعداد لاختبار أيلتس للدارسين الذين يلتحقون بالمعهد من أجل الحصول على دبلوما الدراسات المصرفية. تتيح هذه الدورة للدارسين فرصة مراجعة القواعد والتراكيب اللغوية، والتدرب على نوعية الأسئلة التي توجد في اختبار أيلتس، والتدرب على مهارات التحدث والاستماع والقراءة والكتابة وتحسينها، وتغطية عدد كبير من الموضوع+ المزيد

نبذة عن معهد IOA International Oriental Academy

Established in 1983, Emirates Institute For Banking and Financial Studies (EIBFS) has made quantum leaps by delivering world class education, training and allied services in the area of Banking and Finance at its three campuses strategically located at Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. EIBFS has been contributing to the Emiratisation initiative in a big way by paving the career path of the UAE nationals in the Banking and Financial Sector organizations. EIBFS has been globally integrated with various leading Institutes and universities of the world to bring and offer the best programs and courses to UAE in the domain area of banking and finance.
The Institute has made significant contributions to the life and careers of thousands of students and working professionals in the domain area of banking and finance with the team of highly competent, professionally qualified, skilled and experienced academicians and corporate trainers. The Institute has witnessed growth on various dimensions including but not limited to students, training programs, campuses, faculty and staff members, alumni and various other dimensions and variables. The institute has developed three state of the art campuses at Abu Dhabi and Dubai after its inception with the Sharjah campus.
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