
Often coupled with communications, marketing, PR, or writing; journalism is widely available throughout the UAE. A course in journalism will typically cover both practical and theoretical areas, providing you with a well-rounded experience and understanding. Topics such as print, broadcast and online journalism, media and technology, creative writing, policy and law, cultural awareness and public opinion will be covered. Now is a great time to venture into the world of journalism in the region, as the sector is currently experiencing huge growth and change and will increasingly be requiring experts. Below are some key courses and programs to get you started.

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18 courses from 18 providers in UAE

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Popular Questions

I want to be a radio jockey. Do i need to do a specific course? Please do assist
(Question asked by Prasanth P on May 08, 2018)

The more skills and experience you can gain the better your chances are of getting a job. Look for courses that help you to develop theory and practical elements of being a RJ. Good luck!

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