Price: AED 5,000

Course details

This course is an introduction to journalismand reporting, including writing and analyzingnews across different media. The course willgive students an overview of journalism witha particular emphasis on web and digitalmedia. The course approaches the subjectfrom a practical perspective; portraying casestudies and analyzing examples derived fromreal-news events. Teaching and learning willinclude lectures, video presentations, classdiscussions, and presentation of case+ Read More

About SAE Institute

SAE Dubai was founded in 2005 in order to bring the expert training and education to the fields of Audio and Film in the Middle East, providing a local base for a global outlook on the new media industries. Since the foundation we have produced hundreds of graduates, each uniquely prepared to fill emerging opportunities in the creative industries throughout the region. Our course offerings have grown to include Animation and Multimedia and we're always examining new and exciting opportunities as they arise in the region. 

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