Law & Legal Courses in Dubai

When thinking about a law Course, the general idea is based upon a graduation course. Although, several courses and different specializations can be found on the subject. Most of these specializations are focused on subjects such as business law, employment law and Contracts Management. There are currently 57 Law Courses in Dubai. 

The law courses are mainly targeted to current law professionals who look forward to enhance their expertise and find a specialization among the main field of study after complete university and college tenures.

If you are looking for a job on the law field, please check all our Law Jobs in Dubai

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668 Courses Available

Popular Questions

I've been dealing with contracts in the oil and gas industry for approx 7-8 years. I would appreciate if you could please advise further on a contract management course that will benefit me and gain more experience in the field.
(Question asked by Leticia Villamil on December 18, 2018)

Hi, There are mainly 2 courses that you can thik of having a look at. They are CPCM (Certified Professional Contracts Manager) & CCCM (Certified Commercial Contract Manager). These are two certifications from NCMA, USA.

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