Exam Preparation in Dubai

In order to achieve your goals and hold the certification you have always been aiming to, a proper training and preparation is required. Whether you intend to take a language exam, a professionalized or a Graduate Record Exam(GRE), you should always consult adequate trainers, experienced and capable to give you the insights and knowledge needed for this important milestone. 

´The most common Exam Preparation courses in Dubai are IELTS and  GMAT. IELTS preparation courses can be found spread out all over the city of Dubai. For a better understanding, please check all our IELTS Exam Preparation Courses in Dubai

There is a total of 41 Exam Preparation Courses in Dubai from where you can gain the confidence and skills necessary to obtain the certification you always wished and boost your professional career to the next level.

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172 courses from 137 providers in Dubai

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Popular Questions

Please help me determine what IELTS course I need to take. I'm Accountant by profession and wish to apply in Canada.
(Question asked by Reynald on September 12, 2017)

Hi, you have to take the IELTS general exam for the immigration purpose.

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I am willing to study master in science in UK. Which IELTS test should I take?
(Question asked by Mashari on October 02, 2017)

hie, we are providing training for IELTS, UKVI is the exam you have take for the UK.

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I am a student and want to do the IELTS test, which course is better for me? And which IELTS test can my parents attend as they are applying for immigration to Canada?
(Question asked by Firoz Khan on December 13, 2018)

Being a student, if you are looking to migrate for higher education, you can take up the IELTS Academic. For Immigration, your parents can take the IELTS General Test. 

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Hi i am applying for canada PR and i wanted to know which course of IELTS i should take?
(Question asked by Rachel on April 29, 2018)

Hi, If you are planning to migrate Canada for PR , you have to take Genaral IELTS.In Genaral IELTS we have 4 modules READING,WRITING,LISTENING and SPEAKING.

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