WSQ Apply Human Factors Principles Air Transport Training College
Price: AED 1,061

Course details

This course covers the many performance-influencing factors that can inhibit the maintenance personnel in various aspects of their work. Learners will develop an understanding of the implications of human factors on safety standard and its effects on inpidual and organisational behaviours that could result in errors. The scope of coverage of the subject matter will also prepare learners for the CAAS SAR 66 CAT A and CAT B examinations.

As Human Factors Principles can be applied to various industries, this unit can be contextualised to suit rail transport, pharmaceutical, utilities industries and are relevant to operators, technicians and engineers.


  • Determine human factors contribution to aviation accidents
  • Illustrate how human factors (physiological, psychological, environmental and organizational parameters) can affect safety and performance
  • Explain the nature of errors and violation
  • Propose countermeasures based on the error management principles
  • Identify hazards in the workplace


On completion of this unit, learner will have the knowledge and application skills in human factors on safety standard and to apply them in changing organizational behaviors that could result in errors.


WSQ Statement of Attainment

Updated on 08 November, 2015

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ATTC has a Quality Management System in place to enhance our customer satisfaction and to ensure consistent quality service level. ATTC assures that there will be no disruption to the course programme except when there is a national emergency. Air Transport Training College is in the business of providing quality, professional training in aerospace engineering and aviation management to prepare our students for success in a dynamic and global aviation industry.

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