Defensive Driving Echo3 Education
Price: AED 110
AED 118
  • Duration: Upto 1 Hour

Course details

Defensive driving is the adoption of a proactive mindset - one in which hazards are anticipated rather than reacted to. This approach gives the driver time to safely respond to hazards for both their and other road users benefit.

"Suddenly" and "out of nowhere" are two phrases commonly used on car insurance claim forms - or while being interviewed under police caution - following a road accident.

In this short and engaging online course, driver safety expert Vicky Lovell describes techniques and tips based on C.O.A.S.T. (Concentration, Observation, Anticipation, Space and Time) to help make every journey safer for you and other road users.

COURSE OBJECTIVES | To reduce the risk of accident, serious injury and death while driving by:

1. Testing perceptions of risk and safety on the road; and

2. Highlighting the significance of attitude and behaviour when behind the wheel, and influencing this in a positive way

How do you feel when you are tailgated? How do you feel when someone cuts you up?

On completion of this course you will know…

  • The Defensive Driving philosophy 
  • Preparations for driving safely 
  • The safe driving choices in specific situations and conditions 
  • The defensive driving philosophy 
  • Recall what to do in case of an accident

Course Content

  • Developing a proactive mindset 
  • Preparing to drive safely 
  • Best practices for driving safely 
  • Safe driving choices in specific situations 
  • Safe driving choices in specific conditions 
  • What to do in the event of an accident 

Target Audience

Mandatory: Any employee who drives branded commercial vehicles

Recommended: Any employee who is required to drive as part of their role. Any employee who receives a fixed penalty notice or driving conviction

Optional: Employees who wish to know how to drive safer


On successful completion of this Defensive Driving course online candidates receive an echo3education completion certificate, available as a PDF for immediate download. This requires achievement of the required pass mark during the final assessment.

Updated on 29 March, 2023

Eligibility / Requirements

There a no requirments but the course has been designed for drivers.

Job roles this course is suitable for:

Uber Driving Partner , LORRY DRIVER , Bus Driver

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