Medication Safety Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Price: AED 202
  • Duration: 2 Hours

Course details

This course will look at the factors involved in the safe prescribing of medication and addresses a number of important topics including: the significance of medication errors, risk factors for medication errors, responsible prescribing, administering and monitoring medicines as well as highlighting ways in which to make medication use safer. This course has beeen approved for CPD credits.

You can start Medication Safety today! The course can be completed at your convience. As you work through the programme your progress will be recorded automatically, allowing you the flexibility to continue from where you ended your previous session. Certificates for this course will be generated online upon completion of all requirements.

Updated on 14 November, 2015

About Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Our mission is to improve the health and care of the population by leading in medical training, education, professional standards and continuous improvement of the health service.  

We equip doctors and other healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge they need to care for their patients and run safe and efficient healthcare systems. 

And we make sure that the expertise of our Fellows is harnessed to improve healthcare, whether it’s one-to-one with a patient, or on a national, strategic level.

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