Full Time Cabin Crew Courses in Umm Al Quwain

Below you will find more information on full time Cabin Crew courses in Umm Al Quwain. Keep in mind, studying Cabin Crew on a full time basis is generally intensive and requires daily attendance.
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0 courses from 0 providers in Umm Al Quwain

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Popular Questions

Is there any age restriction to study a cabin crew?
(Question asked by Yaser on June 08, 2016)

21 to 40 years of age

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I am interested in cabin crew course but i'm 27 years old and not sure if it's too late to enroll. Could you please suggest a different program in the Aviation field?
(Question asked by Tendai on October 14, 2016)

Hello Tendai, You are not late at all for pursuing a course and job thereafter in this field - IATA has a wonderful Cabin Crew Certification Program which would give you an added edge. If you would like to pursue this course in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E; do feel free to write to us

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please do let me know the requirements for cabin crew training in Dubai
(Question asked by Bawo on August 26, 2017)

Mr.Bawo ,  There is no any pre requisites for doing the course. To get qualified for interview / the job you need to be between 21 - 29, there is certain criteria regarding the the height , weight etc.

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