As a beginner, which is most valuable course on Health and Safety? Please do guide me on where and how to start

Health and Safety // Question by Humeira | Oct 12, 2017

2 Answers
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  • Speed Way Safety Training Centre LLC- Oct 13, 2017 - 1pm

    Dear Humeira;
    As a beginner, the most appropriate and worthy Health & Safety course we can suggest are Level 1 & 2 equivalent courses which are formulated to provide good foundation level knowledge with regards to Occupational Health and Safety. 

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  • NBIZ INFOSOL - Oct 15, 2017 - 12pm

    You can start with health and safety awareness.  you can then move to Basic First Aid, Fire Fighting. Then after gaining good experience you can work on Nebosh IGC.

    There can be many such planned courses. However it would be proper only if we can talk to you so that we can understand the interst and your background your capabilities and then advise.

    This would be more appropriate. Thanks 

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