CMA Courses in Abu Dhabi

There are currently 15 CMA Courses in Abu Dhabi offered by 12 institutes. Location is not an issue when looking for a CMA course in Abu Dhabi. The Nation's Capital offers an array of providers from all different points in the city, making the choice more easy and convenient for you. The Certified Management Accountant is an international exam taking place in over 100 countries. It is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious certifications and degrees on the field.

As most good things in life, CMA demands the highest preparation and qualification. Therefore, the courses listed below are highly targeted to prospective CMA Exam takers. If you are looking for a more general Accountant course, please check out all our Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses in Abu Dhabi.

If you already have completed the CMA exam and you are an accredited Certified Management Accountant, you can take a look at our CMA Jobs in Abu Dhabi to see the available vacancies. 

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32 courses from 24 providers in Abu Dhabi

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Popular Questions

I have completed MBA in Accounting and CIMA. Currently interested in attending the CMA program. Am I eligible for any exemptions?
(Question asked by Fares Iqbal on March 26, 2018)

Dear Mr Fares, Firstly accept heartiest congratulations on getting CIMA. Unfortunately CMA program does not offer exemptions on the basis of your certifications.

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What are the prerequisite to take CMA?
(Question asked by Chrislean Taruc on May 03, 2018)

Dear Christean, We appreciate your keen interest in CMA(USA) which is highly recognized global certification. Pre-requisite for this certifications are; (a) Must have a bachelors degree in Accounting/Finance (b) Minimum of 2 years of experience in the related field (Accounting/Finance/Banking/Auditing etc) For further assistance, please visit our website/office

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I have a bachelor in Common Law and wish to continue with CMA, is that possible?
(Question asked by Eddy on September 22, 2018)

Certified Management Accountant (CMA) is a professional certification credential in the management accounting and financial management fields. Pre-requisites are 

Bachelor's degree or professional accounting certification required 2 years of work experience required Successful completion of parts 1 and 2 of the exam.

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I have completed CMA part 1 and 2. If I am willing to appear for ACCA, do I get any paper exempted? Please assist
(Question asked by Vibin on February 11, 2019)

Dear Vibin, Based on CMA(USA), you will get three papers exemption. For further information, please contact us. Regards.

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