Cancer Awareness Diploma Course
Price: USD 64
USD 168
  • Duração: Upto 150 Hours

Course details

The course begins by first considering ageing; the biggest risk factor in developing cancer. Chronologically, we cannot stop the process but if your lifestyle is healthy, then your biological age can be younger than your chronological age. From studying this course You will gain an understanding of what ageing is from a biological point of view, the differences between chronological and biological age, the various theories of ageing, how cells age and how DNA repairs itself.

What is cancer? It is often talked about as though it is a single disease, with one, all-encompassing cure, but it is not. It is actually over 200 different diseases and each type of cancer has subtypes, which themselves have further subtypes. The Cancer Awareness Diploma Course talks you through incident and mortality rates and explains what cancer really is.

From there you will take a closer look at the four most common cancers, focusing on the epidemiology, subtypes, risk factors, and prevention tips for each. With about 5-10% of all cancers being familial, the remaining 90-95% are potentially preventable. With this in mind, You will explore the causes and common risk factors for cancer. The course covers common and natural carcinogens and makes you aware of the negative or positive effects your day-to-day choices could be having on your health.

Daily, we are exposed to environmental chemicals that are linked to the development of chronic health issues, including various types of cancer. More and more research is pointing to reoccurring low dose exposure, as being a significant contributor. While we can't do much about the pollutants, toxins and radiation we are surrounded by, we can change our immediate environment. The Cancer Awareness Diploma Course will guide you through the small changes you can make to detoxify and make your environment safer.

Following on from the environmental detox, You will learn the how to cleanse your body of toxins. The aim here is to gently and safely support and encourage your body's natural ability to detoxify itself. You will learn about nutrition and how to go about losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You will also be taken through the alkaline diet, which is filled with fresh veg and fruit and has several health benefits.

To live a long, happy and healthy life, it is important to properly nurture and nourish your body, mind and spirit. To this end You will be taken through the benefits of including holistic therapies as part of a prevention program or as a complement to cancer treatment. Meditation, yoga, acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy/essential oils, exercise and Gerson therapy are all covered in the course.

Our culture is immersed in the idea that it is selfish to put yourself first, but if you don't care for yourself, how can you care for others? The Cancer Awareness Diploma Course covers simple self-care techniques that you can implement every day. You will be introduced to the concept of 'agile care' (also known as 'agile delivery') and how to use it when looking after someone with cancer or supporting a carer. The course concludes by providing information on where to seek support after having cancer or caring for someone who has had it.


  • Module 1 - The Ageing Process
  • Module 2 - What is Cancer?
  • Module 3 - Common Cancers
  • Module 4 - Risk Factors
  • Module 5 - Detox Your World
  • Module 6 - Detox Your Body
  • Module 7 - Healthy Weight
  • Module 8 - Alkalise Your Body
  • Module 9 - Holistic Support
  • Module 10 - Living With Cancer
Ultima actualização em  06 April, 2021
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