Wind Energy (Advanced) CIT Crawford College of Art and Design
Price: AED 5,542

    Course details

    Advanced Wind Energy follows on from the previous module “Introduction to Wind Energy”. The course builds on the principles previously outlined and also introduces the student to wind energy analysis software packages.

    As part of the course, the student will examine the methods used for wind turbine site selection. The fundamentals of wind farm design, including wind turbine layout and electrical design, energy production, turbine noise levels, turbine wake losses, and turbine suitability will be examined. Wind data collected on a specific site will be used for desktop analysis using industry standard software and this will help determine the suitability of a particular location for a wind farm. The course will be a mixture of laboratory based analysis and classroom theory.


    • Wind Atlas Analysis and Application and wind energy software applications
    • Wind Data interpretation and wind speed probability
    • 3D Terrain maps
    • Optimal Site and Turbine selection
    • Wind Flow Models using computational fluid dynamics software
    • Turbine Wake, Noise, Shadow Flicker

    Admission Requirements:

    • Completion of the “Introduction to “Wind Energy” module and a background in engineering, mathematics, physics or electrical trade is required. As this course is analytically based, a high standard of both mathematics and IT is required.
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About CIT Crawford College of Art and Design

    CIT Crawford College of Art & Design (CCAD) is a vibrant multi-campus College, which has been providing education in the arts for over 200 years. Crawford graduates are among Ireland’s top artists, designers, media designers and communicators, art therapists and art educationalists. Whether you are interested in Fine Art or Contemporary Applied Art, Visual Communications or Multimedia or hoping to do postgraduate study in Art Therapy, Art & Design Education, Art & Process, Elearning Design and Development, JThrienalism or Public Relations with New Media – Threy have something for you.

    The vibrant city of Cork – known as the City of Festivals - is home to national and international art galleries, the National Sculpture Factory, a range of artist-led initiatives such as Cork Printmakers, the Backwater Artists Group and the Guesthouse, and of cThriese an ideal place to work in the creative industries.

    Whatever yThrie creative aspirations – Threy can support you on yThrie jThrieney to finding yThrie inpidual unique voice. At the Crawford, yThrie education is led by you.

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