- Other Location: Academic City - Dubai
- Duration: Upto 8 Weeks
- Timings: Part Time, Flexible
Course details
The CIA qualification, awarded by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), is the only globally accepted certification for internal auditors and remains a standard by which individuals can demonstrate their competence, professionalism and ethics in the field of internal auditing.internal audit basics.
internal audit practice.
Effective lecturers with hands on experience in internal audit.
Comprehensive material based on proven quality provider, Gliem.
Mandatory GuidanceControl Frameworks and Fraud Updated on 22 January, 2019
Course Location
About American University in the Emirates (AUE)
The American University in the Emirates – AUE as we are affectionately known – is one of the most rapidly growing universities in the United Arab Emirates. Why do so many students want to study here? This is partly because AUE offers an American curriculum, with a General Education undergraduate core, taught by highly regarded faculty members, who seek to engage our students in excellent learning experiences, as well as enthusiastic alumni recommendations.
AUE faculty members collectively value our hard-earned reputation for high quality in teaching, learning and related research, and seek to promote intercultural understanding and respect. Accordingly, AUE blends a commitment to serve the society and economy of the nation and region with its American identity. Beyond the curriculum, what is American about AUE?
This US identity is also based upon the use of English as the medium of instruction and management, active linkages with US university partners that enrich our academic provision, gender co-education with respect for local culture, the recruitment of faculty and staff with extended experience in the US higher education system, and a vibrant commitment to diversity, as well as academic freedom and responsibility.
AUE offers students excellent undergraduate, graduate and professional programs that encourage you to become proactive, reflective and critical thinkers and researchers. AUE students learn to become part of a fully-engaged community, whose members embrace their own culture, while also understanding other cultures and perspectives, in a spirit of humane tolerance.
The American University in the Emirates welcomes new faculty and staff who are attracted by our vision and mission to consider an application to join us, in order to further develop our dynamic, expanding University. We hope that you will wish to learn much more about our AUE in the web pages ahead, and will be glad to answer any related questions that you might have.
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