Course details

This program provides learners with knowledge and skills required to identify, design,and subsequently develop their ideas, through to a range of images, prototypes or products for a broad range of Interior Design and Decoration markets and functions.


Graduates will have a sound knowledge of relevant science, technologies and materials which are developed in conjunction with the creative thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills that underpin successful design+ Read More

About Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (ADVETI)

Vocational education and training prepares learners for careers that are based in paraprofessional or practical activities, related to a speciï¬c occupation or vocation. The learner directly develops expertise in a particular vocation.

Vocational education includes a diversity of occupations including retail, information technology, business, travel and tourism, hotel management, hospitality, ï¬nance, medical, property, paralegal, environment, health, safety, design.

Learners develop skills to enable them to be proï¬cient in the workplace. These skills are occupational skills, industry skills and essential skills.

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