About Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (ADVETI)

Vocational education and training prepares learners for careers that are based in paraprofessional or practical activities, related to a specific occupation or vocation. The learner directly develops expertise in a particular vocation.

Vocational education includes a diversity of occupations including retail, information technology, business, travel and tourism, hotel management, hospitality, finance, medical, property, paralegal, environment, health, safety, design.

Learners develop skills to enable them to be proficient in the workplace. These skills are occupational skills, industry skills and essential skills.

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11 courses available

Top related subjects

Human Resources (Classroom | Online) Project Management (Classroom | Online) Social Media (Classroom | Online) Digital Marketing (Classroom | Online) IT, Computing and Technology (Classroom | Online) Travel and Tourism (Classroom | Online) Human Resources Management (Classroom | Online) Networking and Security (Classroom | Online) Interior Design (Classroom | Online) Graphic Design (Classroom | Online) Environment and energy (Classroom | Online)

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