Course details
Sun Tzu (or Sūn Zǐ in pinyin) was a 500 BC Chinese general, military strategist, and author of The Art of War, an immensely influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy. Many great leaders like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan study his work and became legendary leaders. Many corporate leaders paid thousands of dollars to attend courses to learn Sun Tzu secrets.
We believe that you too can learn master his secrets with just two hundred dollars. This is because we take the essence and compile them into a 63 minute video course that will leave you with just enough materials to lead your team to greater heights.
The most valuable lesson out of his 13 chapters of 5,000 words must be found in the 3rd chapter: Win Without Fighting.
As translated from The Art of War: Generally, in war the best thing is to take the enemy state whole and intact; to ruin it is inferior to this. To capture the entire army is better than to destroy it. Hence, to win on hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill.
To subdue the enemy without fighting is supreme excellence. In short, win without fighting is the best.
How does it apply to your people management?
- Enemy here refers to not your enemy but the team that you are leading
- Take the enemy state whole and intact means you must lead your team wholly with not just their bodies, but also their minds, hearts and spirits
- Never destroy the bodies, minds, hearts and spirits of your team. So you cannot over-work them for you will be destroying their bodies and minds. You also cannot break their hearts by not delivering on your promises and make them give up on you
- To win without fighting in people management is to manage without your team knowing that you are managing them. A manager is at his best when people barely knows he exists, when the work is done, the team will say: we did it ourselves. This is because the manager has empowered the team so much and they have become so competent that they are mini managers themselves. This must be the highest form of management: manage without managing
- If you too want to be a great leader, learn from the master.
For this first time in the world of Udemy, we bring Sun Tzu Art of War into your hands. If you too want to be a better people manager, invest $200 into this valuable course. It will reward you with thousands of dollars, benefiting you for a lifetime.
Contents of this Udemy Sun Tzu People Management course includes:
- People Management is about Battles of the Mind
- Background behind Art of War: Story of the Concubines
- Art of War: Win To Fight
- Five Elements of Art of War: Purpose, Climate, Support, Leadership and Methods
- Seven Conditions to Win
- How to Win Without Fighting
- The Five Strategies of Art of War
- Five Ways of Deception
- The ultimate of Art of War: Win the Entire Nation
If you have always wanted to be a good people manager but don't know how, here is the way. You'll be pleasantly pleased with what you've learnt from this highly entertaining and educational course People Management with Sun Tzu Art of War
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