English Standard Course Ali Baba International Center
Price: AED 389

    Course details

    Our English standard courses are designed to help learners advance their levels by establishing a strong foundation on which higher levels can develop. These courses utilize reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities so that students will be confident communicating in any environment.

    Each of our teachers adopts a communicative approach to language instruction. Since language is best attained by a combination of study and interaction, we supplement the contents of our texts with real-life situations. By keeping our class sizes small, we are able to understand the individual learning needs of each student and help them achieve their language learning goals.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Ali Baba International Center

    Ali Baba International Center is located in the heart of Amman; the beautiful capital of Jordan.  The center has full accreditation form the Ministry of  Education in Jordan to teach Arabic language to speakers of other languages. The center is also approved to grant US college credit to any eligible students through Brookhaven College in the USA.  All ctheirses are taught at Ali Baba International Center by experienced multilingual Jordanian teachers with solid teaching experience . The center offers immersion programs throughout the year. A typical program consist of a language ctheirses, comfortable accommodation and  rich extracurricular   activities. The language ctheirses are  supplemented by cultural and social activities, and guided-ttheirs to the major ttheirist attractions  of Jordan. Participants in the programs will also be enctheiraged to meet and interact with people everywhere, immersing them in the every fabric of  the Jordanian society , gaining for themselves an insider’s view of Jordanians lives.

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