Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) PWC Academy Egypt
Price: TBA

    Course details

    To qualify as a CIA , you must meet at least one of the following criteria:

    1. Hold a Bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree
    2. 2 years’ post- secondary education and 5 years’ relevant work experience
    3. 7 years’ relevant work experience (if you do not have a bachelor’s degree)

    CIA Exams

    Part I: Internal audit basics


    • IIA mandatory guidance
    • Internal control and risk
    • Tools and techniques for conducting the audit engagement

    Part II: Internal audit practice

    • Managing the internal audit function
    • Managing Individual engagements
    • Fraud risks and controls

    Part III: Internal audit knowledge

    • Governance
    • Risk management
    • Organisational structure and business processes
    • Communication
    • Leadership
    • IT/business continuity
    • Financial management
    • Global business environment

    The CIA exams are computer based and consist of 125 MCQs for level I and 100 each for levels II and III

    The part I exam is 2.5 hours long and parts II and III are 2 hours each

    The pass mark for the CIA exams is a scaled score of 600 for all three parts which equates to an approximate pass rate of 75% per part

    How long does it take?

    CIA examinations are offered all year round and how you choose to study for the CIA exam is very flexible so you can study at your own pace. Most candidates complete the programme within 9-12 months but you must ensure that you have 24 months of internal auditing experience. You can do this whilst you study or after taking and passing the exams.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About PWC Academy Egypt

    Creating value for our clients, people and communities in a changing world.

    PwC helps organisations and inpiduals create the value they’re looking for. They’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 195,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services.

    At PwC, They measure success by our ability to create the value that our clients, our people and the wider investing public are looking for.Our reputation lies in building lasting relationships with our clients and a focus on delivering value in all They do. Let us apply our world-class capabilities to your business goals.

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