About Benton Make-up Academy

MAKE-UP ACADEMY “BENTON” – is a Contemporary Make-up and Hairstyling Academy.
Center spe­cial­izes in teach­ing its stu­dents an inten­sive and inter­ac­tive cur­ricu­lum to pre­pare pro­fes­sional makeup artists and hair styl­ists ready to be employed in the beauty indus­try around the world.
Makeup Academy BENTON has been founded on the 2nd July, 2014 in Dubai, UAE. Makeup Training Center’s tech­niques are influ­enced by the clas­sic French beauty/make-up cur­ricu­lum and trends.
Founders and Owners of the MakeupAcademy BENTON are Russian mar­ried cou­ple. All makeup train­ers hold a Diploma in Makeup Artistry, they are active work­ing makeup artists and have a vast expe­ri­ence in the Makeup & Beauty Industry for over than 10 years.
Here in the Makeup Academy BENTON, you could not only choose the desired Makeup trainer but the lan­guage as well to make your expe­ri­ence more com­fort­able and mem­o­rable. We are happy to offer our inter­ac­tive pro­gram in the fol­low­ing lan­guages to choose from: Arabic, English, Hindi, Russian, Romanian, German, Spanish and Tagalog.
Professional approach of our train­ers allows our stu­dents to receive all nec­es­sary and com­pul­sory knowl­edge of Makeup Theory that includes: color wheel the­ory and color com­bi­na­tions, iden­ti­fy­ing appro­pri­ate makeup and color schemes accord­ing to the face/eyes shapes and skin conditions/undertones. Application of the appro­pri­ate cos­metic pro­duct based on the skin type/condition.
We are glad to offer our train­ing curriculum/course for the begin­ners as well as advanced makeup artists who would like to upgrade their skills to the next level and be up to date with the lat­est trends and tech­niques.

We provide free full make-up products and models for your practice. As well Professional portfolio all of your work! After final exam you will get International Certificate / Diploma from Make-Up Benton Academy in Dubai registered UAE.

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