Full Time Medical Transcription Courses in Ajman

Below you will find more information on full time Medical Transcription courses in Ajman. Keep in mind, studying Medical Transcription on a full time basis is generally intensive and requires daily attendance.
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1 courses from 1 providers in Ajman

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Popular Questions

would you please tell if can join medical transcription course without having any diploma or degree in nursing?
(Question asked by Fasil Musthafa on May 07, 2018)

Ofcourse you can as far as you have the capacity of memorising a long list of medical terms quickly 

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Can a student with a high school degree attend a medical transcription course?
(Question asked by Shihas on April 19, 2018)

You have to be atleast an 'A' level or a high school (10+2 grade) passed candidate - to attend this course. Being good at written and spoken English is a must

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