Part Time IATA Courses in Abu Dhabi
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Popular Questions
Is there any age restriction to study a cabin crew?
(Question asked by Yaser on June 08, 2016)
21 to 40 years of age
+ more answers Could you please advise what is the best & more user friendly system between Galileo, Amadeus and Sabre?
(Question asked by Ali on June 13, 2016)
For me the user friendly system is Amadeus, while Sabre or most known as Abacus it is so tricky based on my experience, but Sabre is used by many airlines, while Amadeus it is so popular with the travel agencies. And I don't have any idea about Galileo never been used it.
+ more answers what is the age limit for a student to attend an aviation course?
(Question asked by Ranjini on November 02, 2016)
Hello Ranjini, It would be advisable to go in for an IATA / Aviation program upon completing High School (minimum qualification). Should you like to have more details about the varous Programs and options available, please do contact us for further assistance.
+ more answers I am interested in cabin crew course but i'm 27 years old and not sure if it's too late to enroll. Could you please suggest a different program in the Aviation field?
(Question asked by Tendai on October 14, 2016)
Hello Tendai, You are not late at all for pursuing a course and job thereafter in this field - IATA has a wonderful Cabin Crew Certification Program which would give you an added edge. If you would like to pursue this course in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E; do feel free to write to us
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