Part Time Teaching Courses in Abu Dhabi

Below you will find more information on part time Teaching courses in Abu Dhabi. Most part time Teaching courses in Abu Dhabi are offered on weekends and evenings in order to provide flexibility in your schedule.
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258 courses from 258 providers in Abu Dhabi

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Popular Questions

I have just graduate from grade 12. Can I join a teacher training course and become a teacher?
(Question asked by Khushnuma on December 09, 2017)

Yes, you can do CACHE Level 2 programs and apply to become an assistant teacher in Nurseries in UAE. How ever school teaching jobs needs a minimum of bachelors degree inorder to be eligible for applying visa.

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I have a 3 years diploma in teaching business administration from Cameroon. I am looking for a good course to take in Dubai which will assist me in getting a good teaching job. Please assist
(Question asked by NEH QUINIVA NFONE on January 08, 2018)

Hello, You can go for a Teacher training course which is approved by Ministry of Education.

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Is there any regular teachers training course by which i could teach in KG. I am a BBM graduate please suggest which course suits me.
(Question asked by Arifa on May 07, 2018)

As per the new regulations, the minimum requirement for a teaching position is a level 3 diploma course. CACHE L3 Diploma in Early Years Workforce is a good option.

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I have done Mphil in Applied linguistics from Pakistan and I have taught there for 4 years. Can you guide me on which teacher training course that will help me get a teaching job in Dubai?
(Question asked by Muhammed Shabeer on July 30, 2018)

Hey!! Mphil in Applied linguistics will your subject mastery where you will have to do the Level 5 or 6 teaching qualification. And then you will be eligible for the Competent Teacher Status. 

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