Writing and Editing Course fees in Maldives - March 2025 update

The table below provides more information on the fees for Writing and Editing courses in Maldives.
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CourseLocationDuration Fees

Amazon Keyword Analysis with Kindle Spy (kdspy) Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

Profit By Publishing Parse-enabled Trivia Apps W/out Coding Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

CreateSpace: Selfpublishing with Amazon Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

Smashwords Self-publishing Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

How to Make Your Own Children's Interactive eBook! Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

Convert your Videos into a Best Selling Amazon Kindle eBook Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

How To Become A Bestselling Author On Amazon | 2016 Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

Novel Writing - Master Your Inner Writer! Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

Writing Books For Children - Master Your Inner Child! Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,463

How to Self-Publish Children's Books on Kindle Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,494

Bloggers Creed: The Fastest Way To Earn Income From Blogging Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,494

Copywriting Secrets- Crafting A Marketing Message That Sells Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,494

Easy Copywriting: Write HOT sales letters in 2 hours or less Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,494

How To Start Getting Paid To Write Online: 33 Ways To Do It Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,494

Kindle Secrets: How I wrote a Best Selling eBook In 72 hours Udemy

N/A TBA MVR 1,525
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How much does the Writing and Editing course cost in Maldives?
The cost of Writing and Editing courses ranges between MVR 1540 to MVR 19962