Course details
Createspace is the Selfpublishing on Demand Service by Amazon
Have you ever wanted to be an author? Only some years ago, this was quite difficult. But today Amazon has made it very easy for young authors to publish their first book.
In this course I will show you how it works!
You will learn
- why you should use CreateSpace for your book
- how to set up an account
- what you have to consider before starting your book project
- I will lead you through the CreateSpace process - step by step
- and you will be looking over my shoulder
- finally I will give you tips on how to focus your marketing
This course is for everyone who is intending to soon publish a book
No spefic skills needed.
Updated on 21 October, 2016- Self Publishing with Amazon StudyHubUSD 13
USD 260Duration: Upto 2 Hours - Business Report Writing Lead AcademyUSD 26
USD 390Duration: Upto 4 Hours