Udemy Profit By Publishing Parse-enabled Trivia Apps W/out Coding Udemy
Price: USD 95

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    Being able to make money doing something that you really enjoy could change your life, no question about that.

    But how do you do it? Well, there are different ways, but not many are as fun as making apps. The problem that most people face is that they don't have the technical skills necessary to do it. It takes years of practice and learning to be able to create an app and upload it to the iOS App Store. Or does it?

    See, most people have struggled making money in the iOS App Store in recent years due to the amount of competition. They spend time, energy and money developing an app but when they upload it the returns are nowhere near what they were expecting. But that is the problem, you should not be spending time, energy and money developing an app, you should be submitting apps. As many as you can. Sounds complicated, doesn't it?

    Well, what if I told you that it is actually very easy? What if I told you that you do not need to understand how to code, that all you have to do is purchase source code already written and use it? Would that be appealing to you? And what if I told you that I will provide you the source code for an app worth $249 at no extra cost? And on top of that, what if I could teach you how to submit this app to the App Store in less than 3 hours? Would you be interested in learning how to do it?

    Well, if you are then look no further - This course will teach you how!

    This course is straight to the point and will provide you everything you need, no beating around the bush or repeating the same thing with different words. And do you want to know the best part? I personally hand picked the source code that you will use and modified it specifically to be more profitable and provide you with the opportunity to use it hundreds of times for as many different trivia apps as you want to make. It is extremely easy to reskin, and I will show you how. Once you have this source code you could use it over and over again to increase your revenue with little-to-no extra cost. Very few things offer opportunities such as this at such a low cost.

    With over 4,500 students in two different courses you can be confident that, as an instructor, I am prepared to provide you with first class content and guidance. In 4 quality packed hours you will learn everything you need from setting up a developer account with Apple and getting started, all through submitting your first app to the App Store. This is a somewhat confusing process and it is the main reason why most of the new app developers give up, but don't worry! I am here to help and guide you step-by-step through everything that you need. Now it's your turn to become an app developer.

    If you are willing to dedicate a few hours to setting up your app business and follow me throughout these lessons, I can personally guarantee that you will be ready to upload several apps a month at little-to-no extra cost by the time you finish the course.

    How can I be so sure? Well, I have been developing apps for just over 2 years now. Around 10 months ago, after a lot of research, trial-and-error and exploration, I finally came up with an app business model that seemed very profitable. I implemented it and in just 4 months I was making more than $6,000/month and putting in less than 10 hours of work a week. My key strategy? Reskinning apps at a very low cost. The best way to do it? Simple: Trivia Apps.

    But what exactly does this Parse-enabled Option Trivia App do and how can it make me money?

    Well, the Option Trivia App will show written questions and let the user choose one out of four options as the correct answer. The user will get a point for every correct answer and lose a point for every incorrect answer. Simple. The app offers 12 different in-app purchases and is monetized with three different ad companies: iAd, Chartboost and AppLovin. It also offers the opportunity to show rewarded videos, and to share the app on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even by email.

    In addition, it is Parse-enabled, which means that you will write all of the trivia questions on the Parse website, a backend internet service for developers. And what does this mean for your app? Well, it means that your app will be lighter (ie smaller in size) because it will not have to store all of the questions and, more importantly, that you will be able to update the questions in real-time on all of the devices that download your app whenever you want. You add a question in Parse and it is added to all of the devices that have your app. So, how much does Parse cost? Nothing. Zero dollars. Once you purchase a developer account with Apple, you will not need to spend a single dollar on anything else to have the app ready.

    Does that sound complicated? Don't worry, it really is not.

    Some of the things you will learn in this course are how to:

    1. Enroll as an Apple Developer
    2. Create Development and Distribution Certificates with Apple
    3. Create App IDs and Provisioning Profiles
    4. Duplicate and configure the Xcode project
    5. Learn the general structure of iOS apps
    6. Connect your own monetization accounts to the app
    7. Create and connect in-app purchases and test emails
    8. Change the icon, graphics, sounds and questions in the app
    9. Manage the ads
    10. Test the app in your own device and send it to friends/family so they can test it using Ad Hoc Deployment
    11. The most common bugs and how to identify them
    12. Create the app in iTunes connect and submit it to Apple
    13. The most common reasons why Apple would reject your app and how to avoid them
    14. Bonus: Coupons for my other two courses; list of recommended articles and books for further readings; documentation for the app; the original source code as purchased online before any modifications were done; and the final source code of the completed project (yes, that means you get three source codes in this course!)

    And this is just a small sample of some of the things you will get from this course, by the end you will have everything you need to get started with trivia apps and become a truly successful developer.

    No matter who you are, if you know how to program or not, if you are good with computers or not, if you are a teenager with no business experience or an experienced professional, what you will learn here will make you successful.

    I am very passionate about teaching and I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the course. DO NOT think that once you enroll you are on your own, the videos may last around 4 hours but the course keeps on going. I have been told on many occasions that I am great at answering questions and, to be honest, it is because I love doing it. Join the community, hear other students' success and share your own! I would love to hear from you.

    Just think about this: The course is $149. You are basically getting a $100 discount on the $249 source code that is included. You could spend the $100 you saved on an Apple Developer account! On top of that, you get an entire 4-hour course that tells you exactly how to use the source code. If that is not a good investment, I don't know what is. Plus, I am so confident in the quality of this course that if you do not get the results that you expect in the first 30 days after you purchase it you will get all of your money back, no questions asked! You can even keep the source code! That's how much I believe in the quality of this course. So, what are you waiting for to get started? Enroll now and lets make some apps togeteher.

    Thank you again for reading; I'm sure I will hear from you soon,

    Diego Guajardo

    Updated on 18 September, 2015
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