TDJ Capital is a Malaysian Incorporated company with core competencies in Talent Development and Corporate Financial Advisory services.
In Talent Development, TDJ Capital offers specialized training for the general public and knowledge workers training in various industries and sectors. These training could be conducted in-house or offers as public program.
TDJ Capital is the Malaysian associate company of Taylor-Dejongh LLC, a UK based private investment and advisory group with worldwide project references. TDJ Capital’s talent development program is for both knowledge workers and the general public. TDJ Capital hard skills programs are unique specialized courses relevant to several industries such as Food & Beverage, Textiles and Garments manufacturing, Construction and Development, Transportation and others that rely on autmoation and machineries.
TDJ Capital has many courses in soft skilss and target a diverse spectrum of industries as soft skills are used in all sectors of business. TDJ Capital’s collaboration with University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), the biggest Public Education Institution in Malaysia, enable us to tap onto skills and knowledge expertise via our collaborative partner in providing customized and specialized courses and program for various industries and sectors.