TDJ CAPITAL Building Forensics Series 2 TDJ CAPITAL
Price: MYR 1,295

Course details

Building forensics is a term used to define a holistic approach of understanding buildings. To understand the overall concepts and practice, it is requires detailed knowledge of how buildings are constructed, used, occupied, maintained and various mechanisms where the structure, material and environmental conditions can be affected. It is a multi-disciplinary approach and requires a broader understanding of how buildings and humans respond to each other.

The main purpose of forensic in a building is to identify defect, damage or decay of the building after observing its signs, reasoning the diagnosis and prognosis and finally concluded the issues that are related to the building.

In this second series of the course, the participants will further explore the holistic approach to understanding buildings. The process of identifying a defect, prognosis, building defect and repair issues related to the building and structure will further elaborated. This is by emerging the required detailed knowledge of how buildings are constructed, used, occupied, and maintained. To explore this interdisciplinary knowledge, the modules are designed to expose the participants on how the systematic treatment of building defects, their causes, their consequences and their remedies.

The course modules will be presented with the focus on the methods of identifying failure and damage problems at a particular level of time and situation in theory and current case study methods. Emphasis is made on the understanding through direct learning and subsequent workshops to assist in the selection of appropriate methods to be implemented.
  Updated on 23 January, 2018


TDJ Capital is a Malaysian Incorporated company with core competencies in Talent Development and Corporate Financial Advisory services.

In Talent Development, TDJ Capital offers specialized training for the general public and knowledge workers training in various industries and sectors. These training could be conducted in-house or offers as public program.

TDJ Capital is the Malaysian associate company of Taylor-Dejongh LLC, a UK based private investment and advisory group with worldwide project references. TDJ Capital’s talent development program is for both knowledge workers and the general public. TDJ Capital hard skills programs are unique specialized courses relevant to several industries such as Food & Beverage, Textiles and Garments manufacturing, Construction and Development, Transportation and others that rely on autmoation and machineries.

TDJ Capital has many courses in soft skilss and target a diverse spectrum of industries as soft skills are used in all sectors of business. TDJ Capital’s collaboration with University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), the biggest Public Education Institution in Malaysia, enable us to tap onto skills and knowledge expertise via our collaborative partner in providing customized and specialized courses and program for various industries and sectors.

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