Personal Finance Course fees in Kenya - March 2025 update

The table below provides more information on the fees for Personal Finance courses in Kenya.
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CourseLocationDuration Fees

Healthy Money: Master Your Personal Finances with Heart Udemy

N/A TBA KES 3,227

Personal Finance: First Steps to Financial Independence Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 3,227

Personal Finance: Thinking Like The Rich And Acting Now Udemy

N/A TBA KES 3,227

Personal Finance 101 for New Couples Who Don’t Want to Split Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 3,872

Personal Financial Management Udemy

N/A TBA KES 4,518

The Complete Personal Finance Course Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 4,518

Personal Finance: How to Take Control of Your Finances Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 5,164

Personal Finance University Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 5,809

Bulletproof Personal Finance: Expert Asset Allocation Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 5,809

Personal Finance University Udemy

N/A TBA KES 5,809

Bulletproof Personal Finance: Expert Asset Allocation Udemy

N/A TBA KES 5,809

Personal Finance: A Rewarding Money Management System Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 6,455

Personal Finance- master your finances using Google Drive Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 6,455

Personal Finance - Complete Guide to Budgeting Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 6,455

Personal Finance: Mastering Credit Udemy

N/A Flexible KES 6,455
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How much does the Personal Finance course cost in Kenya?
The cost of Personal Finance courses ranges between KES 13429 to KES 1652749