Udemy Personal Finance: Thinking Like The Rich And Acting Now Udemy
Price: USD 25

    Course details

    Despite the onslaught of personal finance materials thrown at consumers these days, very few of it is general enough to let people adapt it to their lifestyle and specific enough it can actually be done. Our goal here is to make personal finance fun. This class is based on activities and tutorials that will provide you over 100 lessons worth of details, contained in a structure of learning by doing. Do you know why you care more about $10 off a $100 purchase than off a $1000 purchase? Do you know why your FICO score matters? While all those New Years Resolutions seem good in theory, how do you actually make them happen? These are all things we will discuss in this course in the context of personal finance.

    This course is an adaptation of a learning by doing class taught at an elite university. It is intended for those people that want to make changes to their lives but have not found the time or will to make these changes. It is especially intended for those who are interested in learning but bored by typical personal finance blogs or lessons.

    This course goes beyond the math and basics of personal finance. Many people have proven that simple education in personal finance, just like Chemistry or Baseball, simply does not work. You need the tools and calls to action to make it work. This course is designed to provide behavioral finance education regarding incentives as well as applications and resources that automate the process.

    Perhaps most importantly, I nag you enough times on enough topics that you may finally start paying attention. There is a charge because that means you are more likely to pay attention and follow-through (oops, I gave a secret away already). It is finally time to learn the basics in an easy way and to take control of building up savings and investments for yourself and your kids (or parents).

    Come join me in this class and let's start today! If you have questions on any topics or want more information or materials, just let me know and I will work as fast as possible to generate the appropriate materials. Anybody can always reach out and I am happy to act as a "consultant" to help you cut down costs and increase revenues and savings.

    Additionally, new materials and sections will be added weekly. I am currently working on a Financial Aid section for high school students and one for college students as well as updates on relevant topics in the news. All updates to current sections will go in a new section in the back while entirely new sections will just receive their own section. If there is anything else you would like added, let me know!

    Sections coming soon on:

    Stocking Up On Money? Investments, the Market, and Wealth Building

    Stories from the Community

    Building Wealth vs. Eroding Wealth

    Hire Me! Negotiations and Job Strategies

    Time to Collect: Loans and Debt

    Go Big Or Go Home: Big Purchases

    In Today's Digital World: Credit + Protecting Your Identity

    Apps and Technology

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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