Course details
Tired of the sameold "personal finance for dummies" advice? Fed up withhigh-fees, low-return mutual funds? Are you ready to build acustomized asset portfolio like the experts?Is it time to super-charge your finances to finally reach your goals?
Bulletproof Personal Finance: Expert Asset Allocation is your solution!
The average person today completes twelve-to-sixteen years worthof formal education and graduates with no useful informationregarding personal finance or money management. This leaves theaverage person with a predicament as they progress in their career:what should I do with my money? Where should I go to learn actionablepersonal financial strategies?
This course was written to answer those questions and fill thatvoid. Bulletproof Money Management will show you how to construct acustomized asset allocation model, and how to integrate each assetclass into your portfolio. The course will walk you through severalscreencasts to demonstrate this where necessary.
All of the concepts presented in this course are rooted in afundamental understanding of money, economics, and currentmacroeconomic trends based upon years of independent research. Theseconcepts are more than abstract theory, however; they are thestrategies used by the instructor to build a sustainable assetportfolio and quit his job within five years time.
Keep in mind, there are no get-rich-quick schemes. This course isdesigned with proper risk management techniques in mind. The numberone rule of money management is: don't lose money. Remember opportunities are endless, but capital is finite. As such, thiscourse best suited for self-disciplined people with a long-termperspective.
Bulletproof Personal Finance is clear, concise, and to the point -you won't find any hype or filler here. To add additional value tothis course, the instructor is completely willing to answer any andall questions you may have as you go through the material as well.
Do not take a backseat when it comes to your own finances. Learneverything you need to know to build a customized asset portfoliolike the pro's by enrolling in Bulletproof Personal Financetoday!
Updated on 14 November, 2018- Create Your Personal Savings Course LineUSD 24
USD 460Duration: Upto 9 Hours - Cost Management Course LineUSD 24
USD 260Duration: Upto 2 Hours