Zenith Training Institute Pvt. Ltd. IATA - Foundation Diploma Zenith Training Institute Pvt. Ltd.
Price: AED 3,651

    Course details

    Travel Environment
    Module 1: Travel and Tourism Industry and the Travel Professional
    Get an Introduction to the fast changing and exciting world of travel and tourism
    Module 2: Geography in Travel Planning
    Travel professional use destination geography every day. In this module, learn to plan and arrange itinerary for your passengers.
    Module 3: Travel Formalities
    Provide accurate and timely advice on visa/passport requirements, customs and currency regulations
    Module 4: Air Transport+ Read More

    Eligibility / Requirements

    No prior experience required to take this course 

    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    Travel agents , Airline Reservation Agents , Tour operators

    About Zenith Training Institute Pvt. Ltd.

    Registered in the Government of Nepal in 2007 and started the operation from 2008 after acquiring the franchise of Trade-Wings, Institute of Management in India.
    Our Institute got approval of IATA ATC in 2009 and is now only IATA ATC in Nepal for IATA courses. These IATA courses will open the window to the world, to the students giving them the opportunity to acquire an International qualification to make competitive Human Resource for Aviation/Travel and Tourism Industry. More than 100 students have completed their Diploma up to the end of 2013 and employed in various airlines and travel agencies in Nepal and abroad.
    The training institute was established with the objective to provide a quality training courses in the ever growing global tourism industry. Being in the travel & tourism industry, There is a huge lack of trained and qualified workforce. Tourism being the biggest income generating industry for Nepal needs a lot of qualified staff to increase performance.
    The travel/tourism students have a huge potential not only in Nepal, but all across the world. This opportunity needs to be explored for whoever interested in this field.

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