International Public Sector Accounting Standards IPSAS GBA -Professional London Training Center
Price: AED 18,363

    Course details

    There are no pre-requisites to undertake the programme.
    Designed for finance professionals in the public sector the course will benefit anyone who requires an understanding of international financial reporting standards within the public ;
    In particular it is suitable for: Accountants and finance staff at all levels involved in the preparation of financial statements, IFRS and IPSAS implementation and maintenance teams, Internal auditors and consultants dealing with financial reporting

    The key topics covered are:
    • Context of IFRSs and IPSASs
    • Financial statement presentation
    • Funding, revenue and expenditure
    • Asset and liability reporting
    • Entity consolidation and combination
    • Disclosure and other matters.
    • Apply IPSAS to your organisation
    • Better understand how IPSAS affects financial reports and published accounts
    • Better understand what implications IPSAS holds for internal and external audits
    • Understand the likely cost of implementation
    • Better understand the consequences of non-compliance
    • Meet possible opposition to implementation from within the organisation with building a strong business case
    • Deal with the practical aspects of capacity development
    • Identify and manage the risks associated with IPSAS implementation
    • Work on development plans for the introduction of IPSAS and consider further developmental requirements
    • Better understand financial information, decision making and resource allocation
    • Understand effective corporate governance better, improve monitoring and reporting
    • Secure external investment and external aid
    Updated on 17 October, 2019

    Eligibility / Requirements

    Accountants and finance staff at all levels involved in the preparation of financial statements, IFRS and IPSAS implementation and maintenance teams, Internal auditors and consultants dealing with financial reporting

    Job titles this course is suitable for

    There are no pre-requisites to undertake the programme.

    About GBA -Professional London Training Center

    GBA Corporate, the name highlights as a one stop for diversified training. We are one of the most upcoming UK based training company offering extensive training with wide range of training courses. We are based in UK with venues across the globe, providing value training in 15 countries worldwide not only that we customise training as per requirement and even Be Spoke and can reach anywhere in the world for our Clients.
    GBA Corporate is the name on which you can rely upon like our clients from diverse sectors across the globe. Our innovative and diversified training courses are designed and delivered by our recognized facilitators known for providing relevant courses in their region.

    Our mission is to enhance the skills through our extensive variety of pioneering programs that will help the employees to explore new skills within themselves and build new perspectives though our varied nature.

    Our Slogan is our Vision and our mission. It starts with getting to know what your training needs are, understanding in depth and connecting with best approach to deliver results thereby making connections." See all GBA -Professional London Training Center courses
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