Course details
Course Overview
Programme Goal
Graphic designers create and work with visual images that are able to capture our attention.They work in and with many media, including the Internet, billboards, signs and print.Graphic Design students gain the skills, knowledge and attributes needed to develop and communicate creative graphic design solutions in all media.
Students will have the knowledge and skills required to identify, design, and subsequently develop their ideas, through a range of images, prototypes or products for a broad range of markets and functions.
Work Placement
All students complete a work placement in a design studio as well as working with clients and projects in the ADVETI Design Department’s studio. Guest speakers and external visits may be arranged to increase the students’ knowledge of the business world.
Key Areas of Study
- Advanced computer graphic skills
- Graphic design studio practices
- Colour for graphic design
- Typographic design
- Digital photo-imaging and retouching
- Packaging Design
Graduates will be eligible to enter the industry as graphic designers. Employers include publishing houses, large corporations, government departments, video and TV companies, printers, advertising agencies and digital design houses.
Course Location
About Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (ADVETI)
Vocational education and training prepares learners for careers that are based in paraprofessional or practical activities, related to a specic occupation or vocation. The learner directly develops expertise in a particular vocation.
Vocational education includes a diversity of occupations including retail, information technology, business, travel and tourism, hotel management, hospitality, nance, medical, property, paralegal, environment, health, safety, design.
Learners develop skills to enable them to be procient in the workplace. These skills are occupational skills, industry skills and essential skills.
Graphic Design Related Questions
- UI & UX for Graphic Designer NextGen LearningAED 199Duration: Upto 20 Hours
- Design Concepts in Fusion 360 NextGen LearningAED 45Duration: Upto 2 Hours