Trainer Members Early Childhood Ireland
Price: 31.50

    Course details

    We have a history of over in delivering training to childcare practitioners.

    In addition to this we have organically grown and supported our own trainers.

    We provide an accredited Trainer of Trainers programme specifically tailored to trainers who work in the childcare sector.

    We deliver continuing professional development in-service for all trainers. Over time we have built considerable expertise and developed a range of training supports.

    We believe that high-quality professional development has a positive and lasting effect on trainers and on learners.

    Tutor/Trainer Membership is open to tutors and trainers delivering early childhood care and education and associated topics.

    Specific Benefits of Tutor/Trainer Membership

    • Tutor/Trainer Membership provides ongoing professional development opportunities. This also includes international professional development (both funded and non funded).
    • Tutor/Trainer members will have access to a range of course information, online training resources, web based learning software and practical advice.
    • Tutor/Trainer Membership provides networking opportunities with other training practitioners in the sector.
    • Tutor/Trainer members will receive Garda Vetting free of charge.
    • Tutor/Trainer members will have access to professional indemnity insurance.
    • Tutor/Trainer members will be able to avail of reduced rates for Early Childhood Ireland guest speakers and early childhood specialists.
    • Tutor/Trainer members will have automatic links to international best practice such as; Reggio Emilia, Queen Maud University Norway, Children in Scotland and the Innocenti Institute Florence.

    Overall Benefits of Membership

    To have a look at the overall benefits, to which every Early Childhood Ireland member is entitled, please have a look at the Benefits of Membership page.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Early Childhood Ireland

    Early Childhood Ireland supports and represents the people who play a role in the development, delivery and oversight of early childhood care and education in Ireland, and prioritises the interests of children.

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