Course details

This is a postgraduate course designed to provide civil engineers and other suitably qualified professionals with a good understanding of energy management and efficiency as well as sustainable energy generation. The course will further advanced knowledge in efficiency techniques, sustainable energy technologies and energy management systems and strategies. It will include theory and practice along with economics, current legal requirements and standards. The course will be of particular interest to those already in employment as part of ongoing professional training as well as leading to the widening of new job opportunities for its graduates. The Diploma award is based on a combination of the results of two examination papers and an Individual project. Students must pass each paper and the project and neither of these can be deferred.

  • Energy management and efficiency will introduce topics such as energy physics, energy resources, climate change and environment. Energy demand and energy management will be detailed sectorally in terms of energy in buildings; in transport and in industry. There will be a focus on measures for energy reduction and energy efficiency along with assessment procedures. Topics in energy economics, policy, embodied energy and life cycle analysis and finally energy legislation and energy markets will be addressed.
  • Sustainable energy technologies will introduce energy generation and conversion. It will concentrate on renewable energy generation technologies (and include lectures on wind, wave, tidal, biomass, biofuels, geothermal, hydro, solar, waste to energy) and low carbon technologies (nuclear energy, hydrogen, fuel cells). Grid integration and energy storage will be addressed as well as the future of fossils including clean coal and carbon capture and storage.
  • Individual project is a key element of the course where the theoretical and technical aspects of Sustainable Energy which have been presented, analysed and discussed in the other two modules are brought into practical and innovative focus. Each student will be expected to engage in a piece of original study to reveal a novel aspect of sustainable energy.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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Trinity is recognised as one of the world's leading research-intensive universities and its research continues to address issues of global societal and economic importance. The University's research strategy is based on developing multidisciplinary areas in which the College has the critical mass of world-class researchers needed to deliver research of global consequence.

Among the priority research themes being addressed by Trinity researchers are ageing, nanoscience and materials, telecommunications, neuroscience, human identity, cancer, international integration, arts practice, and the inclusive society. These are topics that not only address issues of immediate and long-term concern to society but offer opportunities for future economic development. The University's commitment to a research-led education means that our students are exposed to leaders in their discipline, to the latest knowledge and ideas, and to an education that emphasises analytical skills and creative thinking, and gives students an opportunity to develop a broad range of skills by engaging in personal research.

This excellence in research underpins Trinity's Innovation and Entrepreneurship strategy. Research is central to the generation of the new disruptive ideas that will underpin future sustainable businesses. The knowledge created by Trinity is critical for the economic development of Ireland as it is for the education on offer to our students.

Trinity's research themes are supported by a set of research institutes that provide the infrastructure needed to support multi-disciplinary research as well as engagement with enterprise and social partners working in partnership with Trinity's twenty-four schools.

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