Course details
This course has been jointly developed by St Patrick’s College Drumcondra, Special Education Department, and ICEP Europe. It is designed to equip mainstream teachers to respond effectively to the diverse needs of pupils in today’s inclusive schools and classrooms. Serving the needs of pupils with diverse special educational needs is now the responsibility of all teachers and all schools and no longer the sole remit of specialist teachers. This flexible online course facilitates access regardless of geographical or other constraints.
Updated on 08 November, 2015Course Location
About St. Patrick's College Drumcondra
Ba ócáid ceiliúrtha é do Mháire Ní Bhaoill agus Aisling Ní Dhiorbháin, Teagasc na Gaeilge, Coláiste Phádraig, freastal ar an imeacht stairiúil i nDuÌn Mhic Aoidh, Ascaill Chiardhuibh, BAÌC 7 (McKee Barracks) nuair a bhronn An Taoiseach, EÌanna OÌ Coinnigh T.D. Gaelbhratach ar 46 scoil as ucht gaisce a dheÌanamh an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn i dtimpeallacht na scoile.
SceÌim naÌisiuÌnta í Gaelbhratach ataÌ aÌ feidhmiuÌ ar bhonn píoloÌtach ag Gael Linn agus ataÌ urraithe ag Foras na Gaeilge. Bronnadh Gaelbhratach ar scoileanna a bhain amach claÌr suntasach oÌ thaobh uÌsaÌid na Gaeilge sa scoilphobal. Thug Foireann Theagasc na Gaeilge, Coláiste Phádraig tacaíocht don scéim trí chúrsaí inseirbhíse, ina raibh an-éileamh orthu, a reachtáil le múinteoirí bunscoileanna ar fud na tire i rith 2014-2015.
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