Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management Nanyang Institute Of Management
Price: SGD 8,800

    Course details

    This programme focuses on a broad framework in providing students with fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge of the tourism and hospitality industry. It emphasizes on management principles and is laid as foundations for participants exploring their careers in this trade. It is one of the leading diplomas in Singapore with a critical component of 6 months Industrial Attachment.

    Key learning outcomes in the programme are:

    • Functionally operational in Opera which is the derigeur front office software used in the major hotels of the world
    • Functionally operational in Amadeus which is the derigeur ticketing software used in travel agencies of the world
    • Understanding of key human resource management functions
    • Practical understanding of food and beverage principals and operations
    • Management of customer needs with service quality in mind
    • Key management principals of the front office
    • Key management principals of the travel agency

    Mode of Delivery

    Lecture, tutorials, discussions, case studies and practical classes

    Entry Requirements

    • 17 years old at the time of application
    • GCE 'O' Level 
    • Completion of 10 years of education or equivalent 
    • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
    • Students who do not meet the minimum English Language proficiency requirments are required to pass the English Proficiency Test


    Combination of written assignment, presentation, class tests, and examinations


    Upon successful completion of all 8 modules and Industrial Attachment and satisfying the mandatory attendance requirements the student will be awarded the Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management by Nanyang Institute of Management.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Nanyang Institute Of Management

    With this in mind, Nanyang Institute of Management School of Logistics aims to become a learning center with key specialisation in ‘logistics” and “Supply Chain Management”. The vision of the School of Logistics is to become a nationally and internationally respectable and credible education & learning center functioning at global standards to raise the highly qualified work force for the economy where we nurture highly effective logistics managers and leaders through the development of contemporary educational materials and the use of innovative and teaching methods.

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