- Duration: 1 Day
Course details
Property is arguably one of the most valuable fixed assets of an organization. This workshop course is concerned with the use and administration for the purpose of a company’s own business. Managers are employed to specialize in property administration.
Property administration includes interfacing with landlords or tenants and /or agents; ensuring compliance with covenants under leases; interfacing with and making claims on insurers. Assisting with planning and implementation of relocation, interfacing with trespassers and neighbours and overseeing the re-negotiation of leases, agreeing rent reviews and extensions and renewals etc.
The workshop will address the practical aspects of tenancy properties, strategies, administration and control with practical solutions drawn from good and bad experiences. Case studies will be used to demonstrate practical aspects of tenancies administration and facilities management. Checklists and registers will ease tenancies management. There will be a walk-through of a sample tenancy agreement to appreciate more clearly a clause by clause analysis of tenancy provisions. There will be a quiz demonstrating the dangers of entering a lease without appreciating fully the legalities, commitment and potential downside. You do not need to have a legal knowledge to attend this workshop.
This workshop will also equip you on the practical legal aspects of risk management in leasing and tenancy properties.
Types of access
- employees, visitors, public & trespassers
- neighbours – noise & nuisance, boundary disputes, case-study
- occupier’s liability
- health & safety - accidents
- case-studies
Accommodation planning
- physical factors & layout
- leasehold
- licence
- pre-commitment checklist
Keeping property records – archiving data
- documentation policy
Renovation – building works
- safety works, premises, control, lease variation
- defects liability period, inspection
Cost checklist
- rent payment methods
- interest on late payment of rent
- rent increase
- rent free period
- utility
- service charges
- repairs and redecorations
- insurance and incident reporting
- advice of incidents
- case-study
- claim checklists
maintain occupation and peaceful occupation
- bar on underletting and assignment
- communicate
- indemnity
Lessees Covenants
pay rent on due date
condition of redecorate & repair
- wants of repair
- alteration
- reinstatement
- keep safe, open and use
- use for trade
- reasonable use
- case-studies
Landlord’s covenants
- maintain
- insure
- being proactive
Disability discrimination
- practical effect
- case-study
Fire precautions
- legal obligations
- good housekeeping
- pro activity
- option to break
- termination
- novation
Landlord’s rights and duties
leasehold commitment – checklist
lessees’s works
- required permissions
- fitting out
- insurance cover
- administrative checklist
air-conditioner – chemical cleaning & servicing
- maintenance
- condition checklist
- creating the plan
- case-study
- security deposit
- minor repairs clause
- handing over matters - time
- joint inspection
- licence to occupy
- other arrangements
Course Location
About ITC School Of Laws
ITC has emerged to be the most successful private school in Singapore to offer preparatory courses for the Certificate in Higher Education (Common Law) and the Bachelor of Laws, LL.B from the University of London International Programme. Our students' excellent world-class results on the external law programmes every year are testament to this fact. With graduates who are currently involved in the legal arena, the corporate sector, government fields and many others, the ITC graduate is highly employable in both the local and international job sectors.
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