Course details

The SAP ERP Financials solution is a comprehensive financial management solution engineered for the most complex, multinational companies across a broad range of industries. As the leading enterprise software solution, SAP ERP Financials enables companies to thrive in a business environment characterized by intensified competition, uncertain market conditions, and increased regulatory oversight.

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                                                                                          3 in 1 Course

                                                           IMPLEMENTATION----TESTING----END-USER AREA

 After Successful implementation of this course you will be able to:  

  • Explain the terminology used by SAP FI ECC 6.0
  • Learn the basics of the SAP FI system with hands-on exercises 
  • Learn how to navigate SAP
  • Overview of the SAP FI Business process and able to perform as End User  
  • Ready to take the SAP FI  Certification Exam 
  • Able to configure and Implement an SAP FI System. 
  • Able to further enhance and develop an existing SAP FI System.  

Updated on 09 July, 2018
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