CAME Human Resources Management Certificate CAME Center for Training & Consulting
Price: QAR 4,000
  • Duration: 40 Hours
  • Timings: Part Time, Weekday evening classes

    Course details

    This certificate will enable you to acquire the modern knowledge, methodology and practical experience in HRM , And after finishing the certificate you will be able to formulating , designing and implementation of the following items :
    1 - Formulation and implementation of the company's vision & strategy and the HRM Strategy
    • formulating company's vision , mission , values , long range, middle and short range objectives , analysis and strategic alternatives analysis.
    • HRM Strategy implementation.

    2- Designing and drawing of the organizational structure:
    • traditional hierarchy structure and team work organizational structure

    3- job analysis and job description :
    Job analysis :
    • Designing a job analysis questioner for Collecting information on jobs and the qualifications of the right person to doing this job ( job specification )
    Job description :
    • formulation The traditional job description sheets and the modern job description ( key results job description )

    4- Human resources planning :
    Making the human resources plan :
    Determining the supply and the demand of human resources in the future and choose the right decision to overcoming the human resources gap or surplus

    5-Recurting , selecting , placement , orientation :
    Designing of the recruiting integrated system whish is consists of :
    • Human Resources recruiting plan
    • Designing of the recruiting advertisement
    • Interviewing skills
    • Placement system
    • Designing of the Orientation and socialization programs for new employees .

    6- Learning and Training :
    • Training needs assessment ( performance gap )
    • Designing of the performance based training programs ( ) .
    • Designing of training results evaluation program

    7 - Performance Appraisal :
    • Designing of the 360 performance appraisal system & Management Updated on 12 May, 2020

    About CAME Center for Training & Consulting

    CAME Center is the International house of expertise in all areas of management , financial, marketing, technology and engineering, offers its services to public clients since 1993. It includes a large team of more than 150 distinct elite experts in consulting and training from the elite international  university professors,  and senior experts and consultants, professionals and technicians in all areas of administrative, financial, technical and engineering.

    مركز الخبرات الإدارية والمحاسبية  “ كيم “  بيت خبرة عريق يعمل من أجل اعادة بناء قدرات ومعارف ومهارات الأفراد والمنظمات لمواكبة التغيرات ومواجهة تحديات المستقبل فى القرن الواحد والعشرين ويضم فريق كبير متميز من صفوة خبراء الاستشارات والتدريب يزيد عددهم على150 استشاري وخبير من صفوة أساتذة الجامعات العالمية وكبار الخبراء والمستشارين المهنيين والفنيين فى كافة المجالات الإدارية والمالية والفنية والهندسية.
    يقدم خبراته فى مجالات الاستشارات الخدمات الاستشارية والتدريب منذ عام 1993 م وللمركز سابقة خبرة عريضة تمتد لفترة زمنية طويلة وتغطى العديد من الخدمات الاستشارية فى كافة المجالات الإدارية والمالية والفنية المتخصصة
    المزيد »

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