Course details
The aim of this course is to ensure that students become proficient to a high degree in the understanding and practical application of the principles of applied behaviour analysis with particular regard to persons with autism and other developmental disabilities, and/or children and adolescents in care or special programmes, and/or those students presenting learning and/or behavioural challenges in school.
The content of this course focuses on behavioural theory. This intensive course provides professional training in applied behaviour analysis (ABA) for a yearly intake of up to students. Approval has been secured from the Behaviour Analysis Certification Board, an international body which sets standards for training and provides a route for securing ABA Certification status. Classes are normally arranged to take place on one weekday with additional classes taking place on occasional weekends as required. Placement practice in behaviour analysis must be supervised by a privately engaged, but course approved supervisor. Students receive continuous assessment and feedback through their regular supervision sessions and participation in class activities. Placement practice in ABA is also formally assessed at mid and end of course. Students must maintain a portfolio of their work throughout the course. Course Content: Graduates of this course are skilled to engage in the ethical practice and research of ABA, to conduct functional behavioural assessments, implement and design behaviour support plans or learning/skill acquisition programmes, and analyse and display data to make informed decisions around intervention and learning needs.
Modules include:
- Advanced research - data analysis methods in ABA I
- Conceptual Issues in ABA Research Dissertation Proposal
- Special Topics in ABA*
- Supervised Research - Practice
- Research Dissertation
* Special Topics may include: Precision Teaching, ABA in Multidisciplinary Teams, Theoretical Approaches in Behaviour Analysis. -These topics may vary according to staff availability.
Updated on 08 November, 2015Course Location
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Trinity is recognised as one of the world's leading research-intensive universities and its research continues to address issues of global societal and economic importance. The University's research strategy is based on developing multidisciplinary areas in which the College has the critical mass of world-class researchers needed to deliver research of global consequence.
Among the priority research themes being addressed by Trinity researchers are ageing, nanoscience and materials, telecommunications, neuroscience, human identity, cancer, international integration, arts practice, and the inclusive society. These are topics that not only address issues of immediate and long-term concern to society but offer opportunities for future economic development. The University's commitment to a research-led education means that our students are exposed to leaders in their discipline, to the latest knowledge and ideas, and to an education that emphasises analytical skills and creative thinking, and gives students an opportunity to develop a broad range of skills by engaging in personal research.
This excellence in research underpins Trinity's Innovation and Entrepreneurship strategy. Research is central to the generation of the new disruptive ideas that will underpin future sustainable businesses. The knowledge created by Trinity is critical for the economic development of Ireland as it is for the education on offer to our students.
Trinity's research themes are supported by a set of research institutes that provide the infrastructure needed to support multi-disciplinary research as well as engagement with enterprise and social partners working in partnership with Trinity's twenty-four schools.
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