Programming in C#: Debugging and Security Implementation New Horizons Lebanon
Price: TBA
  • Duration: 1 Hour

Course details

Debugging and securing your applications is crucial prior to deployment. This course describes how to implement debugging and security features in C# applications. You'll also learn about validation of application input, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, managing an assembly, using compiler directives, and implementing diagnostics.

  • Topic T2 Objective O3
  • start the course
  • Topic T6 Objective O7
  • use regular expressions
  • Topic T10 Objective O11
  • use the SQLConnection and the SQLConnectionStringBuilder classes to guard against attacks on your database
  • Topic T15 Objective O16
  • use the AesCryptoServiceProvider class and the Common Language Runtime's CryptoStream object to implement encryption
  • Topic T19 Objective O20
  • use the Microsoft Windows Certificates Manager to locate Certification Authorities and manage user and local machine X.509 certificates
  • Topic T23 Objective O24
  • verify the integrity of data by using hashing on the contents of a file
  • Topic T27 Objective O28
  • use either faster symmetric or more secure asymmetric algorithms
  • Topic T32 Objective O33
  • generate a unique key pair and assign it to an assembly
  • Topic T36 Objective O37
  • use Microsoft Visual Studio's Global Assembly Cache (GAC) to store and deploy strong-named components
  • Topic T41 Objective O42
  • use compiler directives
  • Topic T46 Objective O47
  • configure tracing functionality
  • Topic T50 Objective O51
  • work with trace switches and listeners
  • Topic T54 Objective O55
  • configure performance counters
  • Topic T58 Objective O59
  • write to the event log
Updated on 10 November, 2015

About New Horizons Lebanon

As changes in technology have accelerated, it’s become even more essential for people to master technology to be productive, invaluable employees who optimize, program and invent solutions—and even grow companies of their own. With over 300 centers in 60 countries, New Horizons is the world’s largest independent IT and Business training company. Over the past 35 years, New Horizons has delivered a full range of IT and business skills/Management training through innovative learning methods that have transformed businesses and helped over 35 million students reach their goals. New Horizons Lebanon branch was established in 1996.

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