Course details

Are you an expert, a guru, the go-to person with specific skill and knowledge that you're just dying to share with others?

Have you achieved mastery in a hobby or craft and are wondering if there is a paying audience out there?

Do you have a tribe of followers that seeks your knowledge, wisdom and skill sets so that they can duplicate what you're doing?

If so, then you're in the right place!

This training will show you exactly how to take your expertise into the marketplace through a simple process of mapping your content, recording, writing or otherwise documenting it for others. And how to get found by your perfect customer.

One of the biggest challenges for content creators is knowing exactly how they take their training and put it in a framework that other people can follow in a clear and concise way. Up until now it's been extremely challenging and required advanced knowledge of all the working parts to get it looking professional.

I'll show you exactly how easy it is so that you can quickly monetize your amazing skill and knowledge.

Updated on 30 December, 2017
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