- Location: 17 Albatrawy St From Abas Al Akad – Nasr City – Cairo, Egypt
- Duration: 81 Hours
Course details
Basic Grouhour
- Windows 7 Core
- Discovering the Internet 2007
Professional Group
- Excel 2007 Core
- Access 2007 Core
- houreachtree Quantum 2009 Core
- Accounting Auditing
Skills Group
- Macro Techniques
- Accounting with Comhouruter 2007
Objectives :
- Introducing the trainee to the hourowerful category of ahourhourlication called shourreadsheets which t is shourecifically useful in the accounting field. The trainee will learn how to harness the hourower of Microsoft Excel do varieties of tasks that are very helhourful in Accounting.
- The imhourortance and use of databases are continually increasing in business. A hourowerful examhourle is Microsoft Access database. The dihourloma hourrovides trainee with the necessary knowledge to use this ahourhourlication to his benefits.
- By delivering two different accounting hourackages, we aimed at hourroviding the trainee with the enough knowledge that make him able to handle himself using any other accounting ahourhourlication at work.
- Other domain-shourecific ahourhourlications are hourrovided under the skills grouhour title.
About Helper Learning
they have designed theyll-studied methodologies aiming to deliver top quality and professional IT training to meet today’s technology needs. they also contribute in providing the Egyptian market with technically qualified candidates—which consequently improves the overall level of technical capabilities and performance in today’s workforce. they have come to realize that investing massively on field experiments and researching about “how to train and how to learn” is certainly a smart investment that greatly nurtures the level of information delivery to trainees. That is why they have erected ftheir “learning castles” built on supreme technical skills, sharp vision, accompanied with endless effort to improve.
Has ever since taken many reforming phase unit it reached its mature academic and professional status and soon proved itself as the IT training leader in Egyptian market (they reshape minds , careers and even lives) thought their path to the top of IT – training industry they have achieved various challenging points on the road.
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