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Looking for a PMI-ACP exam prep course with 21 PDUs? This is it!

We have passed a quality audit, a business review, and we completely abide by the PMI REP program.

You want to earn the PMI-ACP certification and you need quality training without all the nonsense and fluff so many courses offer. You do want to learn from an authority in project management thats also certified as a PMI-ACP.

This is the course you want. This course provides 21 hours of Agile project management education and is taught by project management author and expert Joseph Phillips. You can claim these 21 hours as 21 PDUs for your continuing PMI education.

Our PMI-ACP Exam Prep course provides complete coverage of the PMI-ACP exam objectives for the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition and the library of Agile resources PMI recommends. Start today, invest in your career, and begin working to clear your PMI-ACP exam. Here's what's included in our PMI-ACP Exam Prep Online Seminar:

21 Professional Development Units (PDUs)


Includes PMI updates from PMBOK Guide, sixth edition

Complete coverage of the entire PMI-ACP exam objectives

21 contact hours of project management education

Practice exam questions and answers on all exam objectives

Module exams covering every PMI-ACP exam objective

PDF course workbook; entire course for note-taking and following along

Videos of all concepts, formulas, theories, and agile project management practices

Lectures on the entire PMI-Agile exam objectives

24 x 7 Web and mobile access

All terms for the PMI-ACP terms you must know for exam success

Course discussions with the Instructor and peers

30-day satisfaction guaranteed

Updated on 11 March, 2020
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