Udemy PMI-ACP® Agile Preparation - REP Certified 25 Contact Hours Udemy
Price: AED 349

    Course details

    **Course UPDATED for the July 2015 RDS Survey** This Course includes the content modified by PMI in July 2015!

    12 Hours of Content, 329 Pages of Slides, 250+ Quiz Questions Included IN the course. This is simply the BEST and MOST complete PMI-ACP® Course Available on Udemy.

    If you are a PMP® already, you can use this ONE course to both get 25 PDUs AND Qualify to take the PMI-ACP® Exam at the same time!

    This course is administered by Innate Images, LLC an official PMI® REP (Registered Education Provider) and enables you to claim 25 Contact Hours or 25 PDUs for PMP® recertification.

    Why fly somewhere, stay in a hotel, take a week off from work, sit in a classroom and incur all the costs associated with such a trip…

    When you can prepare for the PMI-ACP® Exam AND earn 25 PDUs from the comfort and convenience of your own personal surroundings. Accessing exactly what you need to pass the PMI-ACP® exam has never been so easy.

    Our Course is taught by BetterPM Assistant Instructor who has over 10 years of experience leading actual Agile projects at major corporations across the US.

    BetterPM's streaming video, audio and printed material "hits the mark" on "exactly" what you'll need to pass your exam. We do this by leveraging our years of experience with thousands of students…

    We know what the "most challenging areas" of the test are, so we highlight and emphasize those areas for you as you go through the training, making it the most time leveraged and efficient process possible.

    Topics Covered in this Agile Course

    • A typical "Waterfall" Project Lifecycle
    • Specifics regarding the PMI-ACP® credentialing process
    • Manifesto for Agile Software Development
    • Agile - How is it Different?
    • Overview of an Agile project lifecycle
    • Benefits and limitations of an Agile process
    • Leveraging the benefits of multiple disciplines
    • Scrum
    • Other Types of Agile
    • Current Trends and the Lean Startup
    • PMI and Agile Project Management
    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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