NEBOSH National Construction Certificate British Safety Services
Price: AED 25,496

    Course details

    This qualification has been specially established for health and safety advisers, site managers, CDM co-ordinators, employee representatives and others who will gain a comprehensive basic knowledge and understanding of occupational safety and health as it relates to construction activities

    Course Aims

    The NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Safety and Health requires around 160 hours of study and is assessed by a combination of formal examination and a practical assessment.

    Possession of the Construction Certificate will demonstrate an adequate knowledge and understanding of both the broad range of health and safety hazards associated with construction activities. This knowledge, coupled with the relevant experience, will give you the competence to advise on minimising health and safety related losses within the construction environment, so ensuring both legal compliance and reducing the costs of accidents and ill health at work.

    Course Content

    The course follows the syllabus as prescribed in the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH). Assessment is via a site inspection and report and two written examinations (NGC1 & NCC2 see below).

    Unit NGC 1 “The Management of Health and Safety” covers elements 1 – 8 which are as follows:

    • Foundations in construction health and safety 
    • Health and safety policy 
    • Organising for health and safety in construction 
    • Promoting a positive health and safety culture 
    • Risk assessment 
    • Principles of control 
    • Monitoring, review and audit 
    • Incident and accident investigation, recording and reporting

    Unit NCC 2 “Managing and Controlling Hazards in Construction Activities” covers units 1 – 12 which are as follows:

    • Construction law and management 
    • Construction activities hazards and control 
    • Movement of people and vehicles – hazards and control 
    • Manual and mechanical handling hazards and control 
    • Work equipment hazards and control 
    • Electrical hazards and control 
    • Fire hazards and control 
    • Chemical and biological health hazards and control 
    • Physical and psychological health hazards and control
    • Working at height – hazards and control 
    • Excavations and confined spaces – hazards and control 
    • Demolition hazards and control

    Course Style

    The primary method of learning will be via guided study and exercises to develop the knowledge and skills required for the final assessment. Considerable use will be made of videos and slide shows. Homework will be set at the end of every day, which will require 45-90 minutes study per evening.

    Delegates’ progress will be monitored through continuous assessment and evening work.

    Reference Material

    Each delegate will receive a course manual, which is designed to follow and complement the NEBOSH syllabus.

    In addition BSS reference books will be available for individual and group work.

    Recommended Reading

    Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction: The Handbook for Construction Professionals and Students on NEBOSH and other Construction Courses by Phil Hughes and Ed Ferrett. ISBN-10: 075068111X. Typical cost: £32.00


    All participants will be required to carry out a 45 minute inspection of a construction site, after which they will be given 60 minutes to prepare a written report on their findings, using a report form provided, covering the hazards observed and remedial action recommended.

    A written examination in the form of two individual papers will be sat on the final day, Part 1 am, Part 2 pm. Both papers are of 2 hours’ duration.

    The course tutors will mark the practical inspection reports in accordance with NEBOSH criteria and NEBOSH will mark the two written papers. Results will normally be advised within 10 weeks of examination date by NEBOSH.

    Updated on 22 June, 2016

    About British Safety Services

    BSS is one of the leading providers of health and safety training in the UK and across the globe.

    Since being the first NEBOSH accredited Training Provider to export the NEBOSH National General Certificate, NGC, outside the UK shores, (Muscat, Oman; 1993), BSS has gone on to score several other firsts;

    • First to present the NGC in the Sultanate of Oman
    • First to present the NEBOSH Award in Occupational Safety & Health in Algeria
    • First to present the NEBOSH Award in Occupational Safety & Health in Libya
    • First NEBOSH registered Centre in Algeria
    • First NEBOSH registered Centre in China
    • First NEBOSH registered Centre in Qatar for the International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety
    • First in Qatar to conduct the International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety, with 100% pass rate, of which 7% were distinctions, 57% credits and 36% base passes
    • First to Present the NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety in China.
    • First to offer the IOSH Supervising Safely, (which was written by BSS and donated to IOSH).
    • BSS was one of the trusted few chosen to pilot the NEBOSH International Construction Certificate in the UAE.
    • BSS are extremely proud of their exceptional results and pass rate with the NEBOSH National General Certificate.

    BSS is proud of their exciting development of services in the provision of Health, Safety, and Environmental, (HSE), training and consultancy. With 9 regional offices, UK, Qatar, Dubai, Yemen and China, with our two most recent offices now open in Algeria and Libya. BSS also has representative offices in Kuwait and Pakistan.

    Additionally, BSS is represented on various industry bodies, and has close links with both CIEH and NEBOSH. NEBOSH revision papers and guidance is available to existing clients via the “client log in” area.

    If you need support in health and safety training – in house within your organisation either in the UK or internationally, or need to attend one of our open courses please contact us.

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