KBA Training Centre NEBOSH International Certificate Fire Safety KBA Training Centre
Price: AED 6,497

    Course details

    The NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management is a new qualification for those with fire safety responsibilities in the workplace.

    The training will assist personnel in carrying out fire risk assessments and identify the range of measures one will need to minimize the risk of fire in the workplace; thereafter help to raise the standards of fire risk management in workplaces across the ;

    Who Should Attend
    This qualification is designed for anyone with safety responsibilities in the workplace including:
    • Managers, supervisors and employee representatives.
    • Those with fire safety responsibilities at work.
    • Those looking to take on fire safety advisory roles.
    A widely respected qualification which meets the requirements for Technical Membership of IOSH and Associate Membership of ;

    Knowledge: Even in low-risk workplaces, protecting people and property from fire takes specialist know-how. The qualification gives you this knowledge.
    Enjoyment: You’ll enjoy taking this qualification. You’ll discover skills and techniques that are useful and practical.
    Achievement: The NEBOSH name is a mark of excellence in safety. People from all parts of the world are proud to have achieved our qualifications.
    Recognition: When it comes to safety in the workplace, NEBOSH qualifications are what employers seek and are held in high esteem everywhere.
    Career development: Gaining specialist knowledge of fire safety will give you an extra skill that could help bring success and advancement to your ;

    What will my employer gain from this qualification?
    A safer workplace: Fire safety is important. It protects people from injury and loss of life. It protects your property, your assets and your investment. People with the NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management know how help their employers avoid damaging and sometimes catastrophic losses that result from fire.
    Assurance: An employer whose staff are NEBOSH qualified is an employer committed to safety. The NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management provides an assurance of fire safety—something that can help employers achieve recognized standards and can even help to win new business.
    Return on investment: An employee with this qualification has a practical set of skills that brings real value to the modern ;

    Course Contents
    The NEBOSH International Fire Certificate course is split into three units of study, each of which is assessed separately:

    Unit IGC1: Management of International Health and Safety *
    • Foundations in Health and Safety
    • Policy
    • Organising for Health and Safety
    • Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture
    • Risk Assessment
    • Principles of Control
    • Monitoring, Review and Audit
    • Occupational Incident and Accident Investigation, Recording and Reporting
    Unit IFC1: Fire Safety and Risk Management
    • Managing Fire Safety
    • Principles of Fire and Explosion
    • Causes and Prevention of Fires
    • Fire Protection in Buildings
    • Safety of People in the Event of a Fire
    • Fire Safety Risk Assessment
    Unit IFC2: Workplace-Based Practical Assessment (Fire Risk Assessment)

    Note * - If you have been awarded a NEBOSH International General Certificate in the last 5 years you will be exempt from IGC1 and can simply 'top up' with the specialist unit and practical assessment to achieve the new award.

    How is it assessed?
    The course is assessed through written examinations for each of the units and a practical fire risk assessment. A unit certificate is issued denoting successful achievement of each unit. After successful completion of the two units and practical assessment, you will attain the certificate of NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk ; Updated on 16 August, 2019

    About KBA Training Centre

    KBA Training Centre Pte Ltd (KBAT) represents the training arm of KB Associates Group, with a significant focus on occupational health and safety (both nationally and internationally accredited), offering a range of ISO 29993:2017 Standard / MOM accredited training courses, NEBOSH, IOSH, IMCA diving related courses, medical / first aid, work-at-height and IRATA rope access courses. KBAT remains the premier venue for International and National accredited training and the Group is positioned to offer specialised services to synergistically fulfill the industry as a quality solution provider in the diving, marine and oil and gas industries. More information can be found at www.kbatraining.org

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